This chapter is a log of changes to matplotlib that affect the outward-facing API. If updating matplotlib breaks your scripts, this list may help describe what changes may be necessary in your code or help figure out possible sources of the changes you are experiencing.
For new features that were added to matplotlib, please see What’s new in matplotlib.
It is rare that we make an API change in a bugfix release, however, for 1.3.1 since 1.3.0 the following change was made:
The following items that were deprecated in version 1.2 or earlier have now been removed completely.
The Qt 3.x backends (qt and qtagg) have been removed in favor of the Qt 4.x backends (qt4 and qt4agg).
The FltkAgg and Emf backends have been removed.
The matplotlib.nxutils module has been removed. Use the functionality on matplotlib.path.Path.contains_point and friends instead.
Instead of axes.Axes.get_frame, use axes.Axes.patch.
The following kwargs to the legend function have been renamed:
- pad -> borderpad
- labelsep -> labelspacing
- handlelen -> handlelength
- handletextsep -> handletextpad
- axespad -> borderaxespad
Related to this, the following rcParams have been removed:
- legend.pad, legend.labelsep, legend.handlelen, legend.handletextsep and legend.axespad
For the hist function, instead of width, use rwidth (relative width).
On patches.Circle, the resolution kwarg has been removed. For a circle made up of line segments, use patches.CirclePolygon.
The printing functions in the Wx backend have been removed due to the burden of keeping them up-to-date.
mlab.liaupunov has been removed., mlab.load, and pylab.load have been removed. We recommend using numpy.savetxt and numpy.loadtxt instead.
widgets.HorizontalSpanSelector has been removed. Use widgets.SpanSelector instead.
The CocoaAgg backend has been deprecated, with the possibility for deletion or resurrection in a future release.
The top-level functions in matplotlib.path that are implemented in C++ were never meant to be public. Instead, users should use the Pythonic wrappers for them in the path.Path and collections.Collection classes. Use the following mapping to update your code:
- point_in_path -> path.Path.contains_point
- get_path_extents -> path.Path.get_extents
- point_in_path_collection -> collection.Collection.contains
- path_in_path -> path.Path.contains_path
- path_intersects_path -> path.Path.intersects_path
- convert_path_to_polygons -> path.Path.to_polygons
- cleanup_path -> path.Path.cleaned
- points_in_path -> path.Path.contains_points
- clip_path_to_rect -> path.Path.clip_to_bbox
matplotlib.colors.normalize and matplotlib.colors.no_norm have been deprecated in favour of matplotlib.colors.Normalize and matplotlib.colors.NoNorm respectively.
The ScalarMappable class’ set_colorbar is now deprecated. Instead, the attribute should be used. In previous matplotlib versions this attribute was an undocumented tuple of (colorbar_instance, colorbar_axes) but is now just colorbar_instance. To get the colorbar axes it is possible to just use the ax attribute on a colorbar instance.
The mpl module is now deprecated. Those who relied on this module should transition to simply using import matplotlib as mpl.
Patch now fully supports using RGBA values for its facecolor and edgecolor attributes, which enables faces and edges to have different alpha values. If the Patch object’s alpha attribute is set to anything other than None, that value will override any alpha-channel value in both the face and edge colors. Previously, if Patch had alpha=None, the alpha component of edgecolor would be applied to both the edge and face.
The optional isRGB argument to set_foreground() (and the other GraphicsContext classes that descend from it) has been renamed to isRGBA, and should now only be set to True if the fg color argument is known to be an RGBA tuple.
For Patch, the capstyle used is now butt, to be consistent with the default for most other objects, and to avoid problems with non-solid linestyle appearing solid when using a large linewidth. Previously, Patch used capstyle='projecting'.
Path objects can now be marked as readonly by passing readonly=True to its constructor. The built-in path singletons, obtained through Path.unit* class methods return readonly paths. If you have code that modified these, you will need to make a deepcopy first, using either:
import copy
path = copy.deepcopy(Path.unit_circle())
# or
path = Path.unit_circle().deepcopy()
Deep copying a Path always creates an editable (i.e. non-readonly) Path.
The list at Path.NUM_VERTICES was replaced by a dictionary mapping Path codes to the number of expected vertices at NUM_VERTICES_FOR_CODE.
To support XKCD style plots, the matplotlib.path.cleanup_path() method’s signature was updated to require a sketch argument. Users of matplotlib.path.cleanup_path() are encouraged to use the new cleaned() Path method.
Data limits on a plot now start from a state of having “null” limits, rather than limits in the range (0, 1). This has an effect on artists that only control limits in one direction, such as axvline and axhline, since their limits will not longer also include the range (0, 1). This fixes some problems where the computed limits would be dependent on the order in which artists were added to the axes.
Fixed a bug in setting the position for the right/top spine with data position type. Previously, it would draw the right or top spine at +1 data offset.
In FancyArrow, the default arrow head width, head_width, has been made larger to produce a visible arrow head. The new value of this kwarg is head_width = 20 * width.
It is now possible to provide number of levels + 1 colors in the case of extend='both' for contourf (or just number of levels colors for an extend value min or max) such that the resulting colormap’s set_under and set_over are defined appropriately. Any other number of colors will continue to behave as before (if more colors are provided than levels, the colors will be unused). A similar change has been applied to contour, where extend='both' would expect number of levels + 2 colors.
A new keyword extendrect in colorbar() and ColorbarBase allows one to control the shape of colorbar extensions.
The extension of MultiCursor to both vertical (default) and/or horizontal cursor implied that self.line is replaced by self.vline for vertical cursors lines and self.hline is added for the horizontal cursors lines.
On POSIX platforms, the report_memory() function raises NotImplementedError instead of OSError if the ps command cannot be run.
The matplotlib.cbook.check_output() function has been moved to matplotlib.compat.subprocess().
The classic option of the rc parameter toolbar is deprecated and will be removed in the next release.
The isvector() method has been removed since it is no longer functional.
The rasterization_zorder property on Axes a zorder below which artists are rasterized. This has defaulted to -30000.0, but it now defaults to None, meaning no artists will be rasterized. In order to rasterize artists below a given zorder value, set_rasterization_zorder must be explicitly called.
In scatter(), and scatter, when specifying a marker using a tuple, the angle is now specified in degrees, not radians.
Using twinx() or twiny() no longer overrides the current locaters and formatters on the axes.
In contourf(), the handling of the extend kwarg has changed. Formerly, the extended ranges were mapped after to 0, 1 after being normed, so that they always corresponded to the extreme values of the colormap. Now they are mapped outside this range so that they correspond to the special colormap values determined by the set_under() and set_over() methods, which default to the colormap end points.
The new rc parameter savefig.format replaces cairo.format and savefig.extension, and sets the default file format used by matplotlib.figure.Figure.savefig().
In pie() and pie(), one can now set the radius of the pie; setting the radius to ‘None’ (the default value), will result in a pie with a radius of 1 as before.
Use of projection_factory() is now deprecated in favour of axes class identification using process_projection_requirements() followed by direct axes class invocation (at the time of writing, functions which do this are: add_axes(), add_subplot() and gca()). Therefore:
key = figure._make_key(*args, **kwargs)
ispolar = kwargs.pop('polar', False)
projection = kwargs.pop('projection', None)
if ispolar:
if projection is not None and projection != 'polar':
raise ValueError('polar and projection args are inconsistent')
projection = 'polar'
ax = projection_factory(projection, self, rect, **kwargs)
key = self._make_key(*args, **kwargs)
# is now
projection_class, kwargs, key = \
process_projection_requirements(self, *args, **kwargs)
ax = projection_class(self, rect, **kwargs)
This change means that third party objects can expose themselves as matplotlib axes by providing a _as_mpl_axes method. See Adding new scales and projections to matplotlib for more detail.
A new keyword extendfrac in colorbar() and ColorbarBase allows one to control the size of the triangular minimum and maximum extensions on colorbars.
A new keyword capthick in errorbar() has been added as an intuitive alias to the markeredgewidth and mew keyword arguments, which indirectly controlled the thickness of the caps on the errorbars. For backwards compatibility, specifying either of the original keyword arguments will override any value provided by capthick.
Transform subclassing behaviour is now subtly changed. If your transform implements a non-affine transformation, then it should override the transform_non_affine method, rather than the generic transform method. Previously transforms would define transform and then copy the method into transform_non_affine:
class MyTransform(mtrans.Transform):
def transform(self, xy):
transform_non_affine = transform
This approach will no longer function correctly and should be changed to:
class MyTransform(mtrans.Transform):
def transform_non_affine(self, xy):
Artists no longer have x_isdata or y_isdata attributes; instead any artist’s transform can be interrogated with artist_instance.get_transform().contains_branch(ax.transData)
Lines added to an axes now take into account their transform when updating the data and view limits. This means transforms can now be used as a pre-transform. For instance:
>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> import matplotlib.transforms as mtrans
>>> ax = plt.axes()
>>> ax.plot(range(10), transform=mtrans.Affine2D().scale(10) + ax.transData)
>>> print(ax.viewLim)
Bbox('array([[ 0., 0.],\n [ 90., 90.]])')
One can now easily get a transform which goes from one transform’s coordinate system to another, in an optimized way, using the new subtract method on a transform. For instance, to go from data coordinates to axes coordinates:
>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> ax = plt.axes()
>>> data2ax = ax.transData - ax.transAxes
>>> print(ax.transData.depth, ax.transAxes.depth)
3, 1
>>> print(data2ax.depth)
for versions before 1.2 this could only be achieved in a sub-optimal way, using ax.transData + ax.transAxes.inverted() (depth is a new concept, but had it existed it would return 4 for this example).
twinx and twiny now returns an instance of SubplotBase if parent axes is an instance of SubplotBase.
All Qt3-based backends are now deprecated due to the lack of py3k bindings. Qt and QtAgg backends will continue to work in v1.2.x for py2.6 and py2.7. It is anticipated that the Qt3 support will be completely removed for the next release.
ColorConverter, Colormap and Normalize now subclasses object
ContourSet instances no longer have a transform attribute. Instead, access the transform with the get_transform method.
The new rc parameter savefig.extension sets the filename extension that is used by matplotlib.figure.Figure.savefig() if its fname argument lacks an extension.
In an effort to simplify the backend API, all clipping rectangles and paths are now passed in using GraphicsContext objects, even on collections and images. Therefore:
draw_path_collection(self, master_transform, cliprect, clippath,
clippath_trans, paths, all_transforms, offsets,
offsetTrans, facecolors, edgecolors, linewidths,
linestyles, antialiaseds, urls)
# is now
draw_path_collection(self, gc, master_transform, paths, all_transforms,
offsets, offsetTrans, facecolors, edgecolors,
linewidths, linestyles, antialiaseds, urls)
draw_quad_mesh(self, master_transform, cliprect, clippath,
clippath_trans, meshWidth, meshHeight, coordinates,
offsets, offsetTrans, facecolors, antialiased,
# is now
draw_quad_mesh(self, gc, master_transform, meshWidth, meshHeight,
coordinates, offsets, offsetTrans, facecolors,
antialiased, showedges)
draw_image(self, x, y, im, bbox, clippath=None, clippath_trans=None)
# is now
draw_image(self, gc, x, y, im)
There are four new Axes methods with corresponding pyplot functions that deal with unstructured triangular grids:
psd(), csd(), and cohere() will now automatically wrap negative frequency components to the beginning of the returned arrays. This is much more sensible behavior and makes them consistent with specgram(). The previous behavior was more of an oversight than a design decision.
Added new keyword parameters nonposx, nonposy to matplotlib.axes.Axes methods that set log scale parameters. The default is still to mask out non-positive values, but the kwargs accept ‘clip’, which causes non-positive values to be replaced with a very small positive value.
Added new matplotlib.pyplot.fignum_exists() and matplotlib.pyplot.get_fignums(); they merely expose information that had been hidden in matplotlib._pylab_helpers.
Deprecated numerix package.
Added new matplotlib.image.imsave() and exposed it to the matplotlib.pyplot interface.
Remove support for pyExcelerator in exceltools – use xlwt instead
Changed the defaults of acorr and xcorr to use usevlines=True, maxlags=10 and normed=True since these are the best defaults
Following keyword parameters for matplotlib.label.Label are now deprecated and new set of parameters are introduced. The new parameters are given as a fraction of the font-size. Also, scatteryoffsets, fancybox and columnspacing are added as keyword parameters.
Removed the configobj and experimental traits rc support
Modified matplotlib.mlab.psd(), matplotlib.mlab.csd(), matplotlib.mlab.cohere(), and matplotlib.mlab.specgram() to scale one-sided densities by a factor of 2. Also, optionally scale the densities by the sampling frequency, which gives true values of densities that can be integrated by the returned frequency values. This also gives better MATLAB compatibility. The corresponding matplotlib.axes.Axes methods and matplotlib.pyplot functions were updated as well.
Font lookup now uses a nearest-neighbor approach rather than an exact match. Some fonts may be different in plots, but should be closer to what was requested.
matplotlib.axes.Axes.set_xlim(), matplotlib.axes.Axes.set_ylim() now return a copy of the viewlim array to avoid modify-in-place surprises.
matplotlib.afm.AFM.get_fullname() and matplotlib.afm.AFM.get_familyname() no longer raise an exception if the AFM file does not specify these optional attributes, but returns a guess based on the required FontName attribute.
Changed precision kwarg in matplotlib.pyplot.spy(); default is 0, and the string value ‘present’ is used for sparse arrays only to show filled locations.
Added angles kwarg to matplotlib.pyplot.quiver() for more flexible specification of the arrow angles.
Deprecated (raise NotImplementedError) all the mlab2 functions from matplotlib.mlab out of concern that some of them were not clean room implementations.
Methods matplotlib.collections.Collection.get_offsets() and matplotlib.collections.Collection.set_offsets() added to Collection base class.
matplotlib.figure.Figure.figurePatch renamed matplotlib.figure.Figure.patch; matplotlib.axes.Axes.axesPatch renamed matplotlib.axes.Axes.patch; matplotlib.axes.Axes.axesFrame renamed matplotlib.axes.Axes.frame. matplotlib.axes.Axes.get_frame(), which returns matplotlib.axes.Axes.patch, is deprecated.
Changes in the matplotlib.contour.ContourLabeler attributes (matplotlib.pyplot.clabel() function) so that they all have a form like .labelAttribute. The three attributes that are most likely to be used by end users, .cl, .cl_xy and .cl_cvalues have been maintained for the moment (in addition to their renamed versions), but they are deprecated and will eventually be removed.
Moved several functions in matplotlib.mlab and matplotlib.cbook into a separate module matplotlib.numerical_methods because they were unrelated to the initial purpose of mlab or cbook and appeared more coherent elsewhere.
A major new feature of the 0.98 series is a more flexible and extensible transformation infrastructure, written in Python/Numpy rather than a custom C extension.
The primary goal of this refactoring was to make it easier to extend matplotlib to support new kinds of projections. This is mostly an internal improvement, and the possible user-visible changes it allows are yet to come.
See matplotlib.transforms for a description of the design of the new transformation framework.
For efficiency, many of these functions return views into Numpy arrays. This means that if you hold on to a reference to them, their contents may change. If you want to store a snapshot of their current values, use the Numpy array method copy().
The view intervals are now stored only in one place – in the matplotlib.axes.Axes instance, not in the locator instances as well. This means locators must get their limits from their matplotlib.axis.Axis, which in turn looks up its limits from the Axes. If a locator is used temporarily and not assigned to an Axis or Axes, (e.g., in matplotlib.contour), a dummy axis must be created to store its bounds. Call matplotlib.ticker.Locator.create_dummy_axis() to do so.
The functionality of Pbox has been merged with Bbox. Its methods now all return copies rather than modifying in place.
The following lists many of the simple changes necessary to update code from the old transformation framework to the new one. In particular, methods that return a copy are named with a verb in the past tense, whereas methods that alter an object in place are named with a verb in the present tense.
Old method | New method |
Bbox.get_bounds() | transforms.Bbox.bounds |
Bbox.width() | transforms.Bbox.width |
Bbox.height() | transforms.Bbox.height |
Bbox.intervalx().get_bounds() | transforms.Bbox.intervalx |
Bbox.intervalx().set_bounds() | [Bbox.intervalx is now a property.] |
Bbox.intervaly().get_bounds() | transforms.Bbox.intervaly |
Bbox.intervaly().set_bounds() | [Bbox.intervaly is now a property.] |
Bbox.xmin() | transforms.Bbox.x0 or transforms.Bbox.xmin [1] |
Bbox.ymin() | transforms.Bbox.y0 or transforms.Bbox.ymin [1] |
Bbox.xmax() | transforms.Bbox.x1 or transforms.Bbox.xmax [1] |
Bbox.ymax() | transforms.Bbox.y1 or transforms.Bbox.ymax [1] |
Bbox.overlaps(bboxes) | Bbox.count_overlaps(bboxes) |
bbox_all(bboxes) | Bbox.union(bboxes) [transforms.Bbox.union() is a staticmethod.] |
lbwh_to_bbox(l, b, w, h) | Bbox.from_bounds(x0, y0, w, h) [transforms.Bbox.from_bounds() is a staticmethod.] |
inverse_transform_bbox(trans, bbox) | Bbox.inverse_transformed(trans) |
Interval.contains_open(v) | interval_contains_open(tuple, v) |
Interval.contains(v) | interval_contains(tuple, v) |
identity_transform() | matplotlib.transforms.IdentityTransform |
blend_xy_sep_transform(xtrans, ytrans) | blended_transform_factory(xtrans, ytrans) |
scale_transform(xs, ys) | Affine2D().scale(xs[, ys]) |
get_bbox_transform(boxin, boxout) | BboxTransform(boxin, boxout) or BboxTransformFrom(boxin) or BboxTransformTo(boxout) |
Transform.seq_xy_tup(points) | Transform.transform(points) |
Transform.inverse_xy_tup(points) | Transform.inverted().transform(points) |
[1] | (1, 2, 3, 4) The Bbox is bound by the points (x0, y0) to (x1, y1) and there is no defined order to these points, that is, x0 is not necessarily the left edge of the box. To get the left edge of the Bbox, use the read-only property xmin. |
Old method | New method |
Axes.get_position() | matplotlib.axes.Axes.get_position() [2] |
Axes.set_position() | matplotlib.axes.Axes.set_position() [3] |
Axes.toggle_log_lineary() | matplotlib.axes.Axes.set_yscale() [4] |
Subplot class | removed. |
The Polar class has moved to matplotlib.projections.polar.
[2] | matplotlib.axes.Axes.get_position() used to return a list of points, now it returns a matplotlib.transforms.Bbox instance. |
[3] | matplotlib.axes.Axes.set_position() now accepts either four scalars or a matplotlib.transforms.Bbox instance. |
[4] | Since the recfactoring allows for more than two scale types (‘log’ or ‘linear’), it no longer makes sense to have a toggle. Axes.toggle_log_lineary() has been removed. |
Old method | New method |
Artist.set_clip_path(path) | Artist.set_clip_path(path, transform) [5] |
[5] | matplotlib.artist.Artist.set_clip_path() now accepts a matplotlib.path.Path instance and a matplotlib.transforms.Transform that will be applied to the path immediately before clipping. |
Old method | New method |
linestyle | linestyles [6] |
[6] | Linestyles are now treated like all other collection attributes, i.e. a single value or multiple values may be provided. |
Old method | New method |
ColorConvertor.to_rgba_list(c) | ColorConvertor.to_rgba_array(c) [matplotlib.colors.ColorConvertor.to_rgba_array() returns an Nx4 Numpy array of RGBA color quadruples.] |
Old method | New method |
Contour._segments | matplotlib.contour.Contour.get_paths`() [Returns a list of matplotlib.path.Path instances.] |
Old method | New method |
Figure.dpi.get() / Figure.dpi.set() | matplotlib.figure.Figure.dpi (a property) |
Old method | New method |
Patch.get_verts() | matplotlib.patches.Patch.get_path() [Returns a matplotlib.path.Path instance] |
Old method | New method |
GraphicsContext.set_clip_rectangle(tuple) | GraphicsContext.set_clip_rectangle(bbox) |
GraphicsContext.get_clip_path() | GraphicsContext.get_clip_path() [7] |
GraphicsContext.set_clip_path() | GraphicsContext.set_clip_path() [8] |
New methods:
- draw_path(self, gc, path, transform, rgbFace)
- draw_markers(self, gc, marker_path, marker_trans, path, trans, rgbFace) <matplotlib.backend_bases.RendererBase.draw_markers()
- draw_path_collection(self, master_transform, cliprect, clippath, clippath_trans, paths, all_transforms, offsets, offsetTrans, facecolors, edgecolors, linewidths, linestyles, antialiaseds) [optional]
Changed methods:
- draw_image(self, x, y, im, bbox) is now draw_image(self, x, y, im, bbox, clippath, clippath_trans)
Removed methods:
- draw_arc
- draw_line_collection
- draw_line
- draw_lines
- draw_point
- draw_quad_mesh
- draw_poly_collection
- draw_polygon
- draw_rectangle
- draw_regpoly_collection
[7] | matplotlib.backend_bases.GraphicsContext.get_clip_path() returns a tuple of the form (path, affine_transform), where path is a matplotlib.path.Path instance and affine_transform is a matplotlib.transforms.Affine2D instance. |
[8] | matplotlib.backend_bases.GraphicsContext.set_clip_path() now only accepts a matplotlib.transforms.TransformedPath instance. |
The file has a (very limited and fragile) dvi reader
for usetex support. The API might change in the future so don't
depend on it yet.
Removed deprecated support for a float value as a gray-scale;
now it must be a string, like '0.5'. Added alpha kwarg to
New method set_bounds(vmin, vmax) for formatters, locators sets
the viewInterval and dataInterval from floats.
Removed deprecated colorbar_classic.
Line2D.get_xdata and get_ydata valid_only=False kwarg is replaced
by orig=True. When True, it returns the original data, otherwise
the processed data (masked, converted)
Some modifications to the units interface.
units.ConversionInterface.tickers renamed to
units.ConversionInterface.axisinfo and it now returns a
units.AxisInfo object rather than a tuple. This will make it
easier to add axis info functionality (eg I added a default label
on this iteration) w/o having to change the tuple length and hence
the API of the client code every time new functionality is added.
Also, units.ConversionInterface.convert_to_value is now simply
named units.ConversionInterface.convert.
Axes.errorbar uses Axes.vlines and Axes.hlines to draw its error
limits int he vertical and horizontal direction. As you'll see
in the changes below, these functions now return a LineCollection
rather than a list of lines. The new return signature for
errorbar is ylins, caplines, errorcollections where
errorcollections is a xerrcollection, yerrcollection
Axes.vlines and Axes.hlines now create and returns a LineCollection, not a list
of lines. This is much faster. The kwarg signature has changed,
so consult the docs
MaxNLocator accepts a new Boolean kwarg ('integer') to force
ticks to integer locations.
Commands that pass an argument to the Text constructor or to
Text.set_text() now accept any object that can be converted
with '%s'. This affects xlabel(), title(), etc.
Barh now takes a **kwargs dict instead of most of the old
arguments. This helps ensure that bar and barh are kept in sync,
but as a side effect you can no longer pass e.g., color as a
positional argument.
ft2font.get_charmap() now returns a dict that maps character codes
to glyph indices (until now it was reversed)
Moved data files into lib/matplotlib so that setuptools' develop
mode works. Re-organized the mpl-data layout so that this source
structure is maintained in the installation. (I.e. the 'fonts' and
'images' sub-directories are maintained in site-packages.).
Suggest removing site-packages/matplotlib/mpl-data and
~/.matplotlib/ttffont.cache before installing
All artists now implement a "pick" method which users should not
call. Rather, set the "picker" property of any artist you want to
pick on (the epsilon distance in points for a hit test) and
register with the "pick_event" callback. See
examples/ for details
Bar, barh, and hist have "log" binary kwarg: log=True
sets the ordinate to a log scale.
Boxplot can handle a list of vectors instead of just
an array, so vectors can have different lengths.
Plot can handle 2-D x and/or y; it plots the columns.
Added linewidth kwarg to bar and barh.
Made the default Artist._transform None (rather than invoking
identity_transform for each artist only to have it overridden
later). Use artist.get_transform() rather than artist._transform,
even in derived classes, so that the default transform will be
created lazily as needed
New LogNorm subclass of Normalize added to
All Normalize subclasses have new inverse() method, and
the __call__() method has a new clip kwarg.
Changed class names in to match convention:
normalize -> Normalize, no_norm -> NoNorm. Old names
are still available for now.
Removed obsolete pcolor_classic command and method.
Removed lineprops and markerprops from the Annotation code and
replaced them with an arrow configurable with kwarg arrowprops.
See examples/ - JDH
Completely reworked the annotations API because I found the old
API cumbersome. The new design is much more legible and easy to
read. See matplotlib.text.Annotation and
markeredgecolor and markerfacecolor cannot be configured in
matplotlibrc any more. Instead, markers are generally colored
automatically based on the color of the line, unless marker colors
are explicitly set as kwargs - NN
Changed default comment character for load to '#' - JDH
math_parse_s_ft2font_svg from & now returns
width, height, svg_elements. svg_elements is an instance of Bunch ( and has the attributes svg_glyphs and svg_lines, which are both
Renderer.draw_arc now takes an additional parameter, rotation.
It specifies to draw the artist rotated in degrees anti-
clockwise. It was added for rotated ellipses.
Renamed Figure.set_figsize_inches to Figure.set_size_inches to
better match the get method, Figure.get_size_inches.
Removed the copy_bbox_transform from; added
shallowcopy methods to all transforms. All transforms already
had deepcopy methods.
FigureManager.resize(width, height): resize the window
specified in pixels
barh: x and y args have been renamed to width and bottom
respectively, and their order has been swapped to maintain
a (position, value) order.
bar and barh: now accept kwarg 'edgecolor'.
bar and barh: The left, height, width and bottom args can
now all be scalars or sequences; see docstring.
barh: now defaults to edge aligned instead of center
aligned bars
bar, barh and hist: Added a keyword arg 'align' that
controls between edge or center bar alignment.
Collections: PolyCollection and LineCollection now accept
vertices or segments either in the original form [(x,y),
(x,y), ...] or as a 2D numerix array, with X as the first column
and Y as the second. Contour and quiver output the numerix
form. The transforms methods Bbox.update() and
Transformation.seq_xy_tups() now accept either form.
Collections: LineCollection is now a ScalarMappable like
PolyCollection, etc.
Specifying a grayscale color as a float is deprecated; use
a string instead, e.g., 0.75 -> '0.75'.
Collections: initializers now accept any mpl color arg, or
sequence of such args; previously only a sequence of rgba
tuples was accepted.
Colorbar: completely new version and api; see docstring. The
original version is still accessible as colorbar_classic, but
is deprecated.
Contourf: "extend" kwarg replaces "clip_ends"; see docstring.
Masked array support added to pcolormesh.
Modified aspect-ratio handling:
Removed aspect kwarg from imshow
Axes methods:
set_aspect(self, aspect, adjustable=None, anchor=None)
set_adjustable(self, adjustable)
set_anchor(self, anchor)
Pylab interface:
Backend developers: ft2font's load_char now takes a flags
argument, which you can OR together from the LOAD_XXX
Matplotlib data is installed into the matplotlib module.
This is similar to package_data. This should get rid of
having to check for many possibilities in _get_data_path().
The MATPLOTLIBDATA env key is still checked first to allow
for flexibility.
1) Separated the color table data from out into
a new file,, to make it easier to find the actual
code in and to add new colormaps. Everything
from is imported by, so the split should be
2) Enabled automatic generation of a colormap from
a list of colors in contour; see modified
3) Support for imshow of a masked array, with the
ability to specify colors (or no color at all) for
masked regions, and for regions that are above or
below the normally mapped region. See
4) In support of the above, added two new classes,
ListedColormap, and no_norm, to, and modified
the Colormap class to include common functionality. Added
a clip kwarg to the normalize class.
Made xtick and ytick separate props in rc
made pos=None the default for tick formatters rather than 0 to
indicate "not supplied"
Removed "feature" of minor ticks which prevents them from
overlapping major ticks. Often you want major and minor ticks at
the same place, and can offset the major ticks with the pad. This
could be made configurable
Changed the internal structure of to a more OO style.
Calls to contour or contourf in or now return
a ContourSet object which contains references to the
LineCollections or PolyCollections created by the call,
as well as the configuration variables that were used.
The ContourSet object is a "mappable" if a colormap was used.
Added a clip_ends kwarg to contourf. From the docstring:
* clip_ends = True
If False, the limits for color scaling are set to the
minimum and maximum contour levels.
True (default) clips the scaling limits. Example:
if the contour boundaries are V = [-100, 2, 1, 0, 1, 2, 100],
then the scaling limits will be [-100, 100] if clip_ends
is False, and [-3, 3] if clip_ends is True.
Added kwargs linewidths, antialiased, and nchunk to contourf. These
are experimental; see the docstring.
Changed Figure.colorbar():
kw argument order changed;
if mappable arg is a non-filled ContourSet, colorbar() shows
lines instead hof polygons.
if mappable arg is a filled ContourSet with clip_ends=True,
the endpoints are not labelled, so as to give the
correct impression of open-endedness.
Changed LineCollection.get_linewidths to get_linewidth, for
Unified argument handling between hlines and vlines. Both now
take optionally a fmt argument (as in plot) and a keyword args
that can be passed onto Line2D.
Removed all references to "data clipping" in rc and since
these were not used and not optimized. I'm sure they'll be
resurrected later with a better implementation when needed.
'set' removed - no more deprecation warnings. Use 'setp' instead.
Backend developers: Added flipud method to image and removed it
from to_str. Removed origin kwarg from backend.draw_image.
origin is handled entirely by the frontend now.
- Made HOME/.matplotlib the new config dir where the matplotlibrc
file, the ttf.cache, and the tex.cache live. The new default
filenames in .matplotlib have no leading dot and are not hidden.
e.g., the new names are matplotlibrc, tex.cache, and ttffont.cache.
This is how ipython does it so it must be right.
If old files are found, a warning is issued and they are moved to
the new location.
- backends/ no longer imports new_figure_manager,
draw_if_interactive and show from the default backend, but puts
these imports into a call to pylab_setup. Also, the Toolbar is no
longer imported from WX/WXAgg. New usage:
from backends import pylab_setup
new_figure_manager, draw_if_interactive, show = pylab_setup()
- Moved Figure.get_width_height() to FigureCanvasBase. It now
returns int instead of float.
- toolbar import change in GTKAgg, GTKCairo and WXAgg
- Added subplot config tool to GTK* backends -- note you must now
import the NavigationToolbar2 from your backend of choice rather
than from backend_gtk because it needs to know about the backend
specific canvas -- see examples/ Ditto for
wx backend -- see examples/
- hist bin change
Sean Richards notes there was a problem in the way we created
the binning for histogram, which made the last bin
underrepresented. From his post:
I see that hist uses the linspace function to create the bins
and then uses searchsorted to put the values in their correct
bin. That's all good but I am confused over the use of linspace
for the bin creation. I wouldn't have thought that it does
what is needed, to quote the docstring it creates a "Linear
spaced array from min to max". For it to work correctly
shouldn't the values in the bins array be the same bound for
each bin? (i.e. each value should be the lower bound of a
bin). To provide the correct bins for hist would it not be
something like
def bins(xmin, xmax, N):
if N==1: return xmax
dx = (xmax-xmin)/N # instead of N-1
return xmin + dx*arange(N)
This suggestion is implemented in 0.81. My test script with these
changes does not reveal any bias in the binning
from matplotlib.numerix.mlab import randn, rand, zeros, Float
from matplotlib.mlab import hist, mean
Nbins = 50
Ntests = 200
results = zeros((Ntests,Nbins), typecode=Float)
for i in range(Ntests):
print 'computing', i
x = rand(10000)
n, bins = hist(x, Nbins)
results[i] = n
print mean(results)
- pylab and artist "set" functions renamed to setp to avoid clash
with python2.4 built-in set. Current version will issue a
deprecation warning which will be removed in future versions
- imshow interpolation arguments changes for advanced interpolation
schemes. See help imshow, particularly the interpolation,
filternorm and filterrad kwargs
- Support for masked arrays has been added to the plot command and
to the Line2D object. Only the valid points are plotted. A
"valid_only" kwarg was added to the get_xdata() and get_ydata()
methods of Line2D; by default it is False, so that the original
data arrays are returned. Setting it to True returns the plottable
- contour changes:
Masked arrays: contour and contourf now accept masked arrays as
the variable to be contoured. Masking works correctly for
contour, but a bug remains to be fixed before it will work for
contourf. The "badmask" kwarg has been removed from both
Level argument changes:
Old version: a list of levels as one of the positional
arguments specified the lower bound of each filled region; the
upper bound of the last region was taken as a very large
number. Hence, it was not possible to specify that z values
between 0 and 1, for example, be filled, and that values
outside that range remain unfilled.
New version: a list of N levels is taken as specifying the
boundaries of N-1 z ranges. Now the user has more control over
what is colored and what is not. Repeated calls to contourf
(with different colormaps or color specifications, for example)
can be used to color different ranges of z. Values of z
outside an expected range are left uncolored.
Old: contourf(z, [0, 1, 2]) would yield 3 regions: 0-1, 1-2, and >2.
New: it would yield 2 regions: 0-1, 1-2. If the same 3 regions were
desired, the equivalent list of levels would be [0, 1, 2,
- xlim/ylim/axis always return the new limits regardless of
arguments. They now take kwargs which allow you to selectively
change the upper or lower limits while leaving unnamed limits
unchanged. See help(xlim) for example
- Removed deprecated ColormapJet and friends
- Removed all error handling from the verbose object
- figure num of zero is now allowed
- Line2D, Text, and Patch copy_properties renamed update_from and
moved into artist base class
- LineCollecitons.color renamed to LineCollections.set_color for
consistency with set/get introspection mechanism,
- pylab figure now defaults to num=None, which creates a new figure
with a guaranteed unique number
- contour method syntax changed - now it is MATLAB compatible
unchanged: contour(Z)
old: contour(Z, x=Y, y=Y)
new: contour(X, Y, Z)
- Increased the default resolution for save command.
- Renamed the base attribute of the ticker classes to _base to avoid conflict
with the base method. Sitt for subs
- subs=none now does autosubbing in the tick locator.
- New subplots that overlap old will delete the old axes. If you
do not want this behavior, use fig.add_subplot or the axes
Significant numerix namespace changes, introduced to resolve
namespace clashes between python built-ins and mlab names.
Refactored numerix to maintain separate modules, rather than
folding all these names into a single namespace. See the following
mailing list threads for more information and background
OLD usage
from matplotlib.numerix import array, mean, fft
NEW usage
from matplotlib.numerix import array
from matplotlib.numerix.mlab import mean
from matplotlib.numerix.fft import fft
numerix dir structure mirrors numarray (though it is an incomplete
but of course you can use 'numerix : Numeric' and still get the
pylab still imports most of the symbols from Numerix, MLab, fft,
etc, but is more cautious. For names that clash with python names
(min, max, sum), pylab keeps the builtins and provides the numeric
versions with an a* prefix, eg (amin, amax, asum)
MplEvent factored into a base class Event and derived classes
MouseEvent and KeyEvent
Removed definct set_measurement in wx toolbar
removed add_axes and add_subplot from backend_bases. Use
figure.add_axes and add_subplot instead. The figure now manages the
current axes with gca and sca for get and set current axes. If you
have code you are porting which called, eg, figmanager.add_axes, you
can now simply do figmanager.canvas.figure.add_axes.
mpl_connect and mpl_disconnect in the MATLAB interface renamed to
connect and disconnect
Did away with the text methods for angle since they were ambiguous.
fontangle could mean fontstyle (obligue, etc) or the rotation of the
text. Use style and rotation instead.
Dates are now represented internally as float days since 0001-01-01,
All date tickers and formatters are now in matplotlib.dates, rather
than matplotlib.tickers
converters have been abolished from all functions and classes.
num2date and date2num are now the converter functions for all date
Most of the date tick locators have a different meaning in their
constructors. In the prior implementation, the first argument was a
base and multiples of the base were ticked. e.g.,
HourLocator(5) # old: tick every 5 minutes
In the new implementation, the explicit points you want to tick are
provided as a number or sequence
HourLocator(range(0,5,61)) # new: tick every 5 minutes
This gives much greater flexibility. I have tried to make the
default constructors (no args) behave similarly, where possible.
Note that YearLocator still works under the base/multiple scheme.
The difference between the YearLocator and the other locators is
that years are not recurrent.
Financial functions:, date1, date2)
date1, date2 are now datetime instances. Return value is a list
of quotes where the quote time is a float - days since gregorian
start, as returned by date2num
See examples/ for example usage of new API
canvas.connect is now deprecated for event handling. use
mpl_connect and mpl_disconnect instead. The callback signature is
func(event) rather than func(widget, event)
ColormapJet and Grayscale are deprecated. For backwards
compatibility, they can be obtained either by doing
from import ColormapJet
from matplotlib.matlab import *
They are replaced by cm.jet and cm.grey
removed the set_default_font / get_default_font scheme from the
font_manager to unify customization of font defaults with the rest of
the rc scheme. See examples/ and help(rc) in
Several of the backends used a PIXELS_PER_INCH hack that I added to try and make images render consistently across backends. This just complicated matters. So you may find that some font sizes and line widths appear different than before. Apologies for the inconvenience. You should set the dpi to an accurate value for your screen to get true sizes.
There are two changes to the MATLAB interface API, both involving the patch drawing commands. For efficiency, pcolor and scatter have been rewritten to use polygon collections, which are a new set of objects from matplotlib.collections designed to enable efficient handling of large collections of objects. These new collections make it possible to build large scatter plots or pcolor plots with no loops at the python level, and are significantly faster than their predecessors. The original pcolor and scatter functions are retained as pcolor_classic and scatter_classic.
The return value from pcolor is a PolyCollection. Most of the propertes that are available on rectangles or other patches are also available on PolyCollections, eg you can say:
c = scatter(blah, blah)
c = scatter(blah, blah)
set(c, 'linewidth', 1.0, 'facecolor', 'r', 'alpha', 0.5)
Because the collection is a single object, you no longer need to loop over the return value of scatter or pcolor to set properties for the entire list.
If you want the different elements of a collection to vary on a property, eg to have different line widths, see matplotlib.collections for a discussion on how to set the properties as a sequence.
For scatter, the size argument is now in points^2 (the area of the symbol in points) as in MATLAB and is not in data coords as before. Using sizes in data coords caused several problems. So you will need to adjust your size arguments accordingly or use scatter_classic.
For reasons not clear to me (and which I’ll eventually fix) spacing no longer works in font groups. However, I added three new spacing commands which compensate for this ‘’ (regular space), ‘/’ (small space) and ‘hspace{frac}’ where frac is a fraction of fontsize in points. You will need to quote spaces in font strings, is:
title(r'$\rm{Histogram\ of\ IQ:}\ \mu=100,\ \sigma=15$')
The x and y axis instances no longer have autoscale view. These are handled by axes.autoscale_view
You should not instantiate your own Axes any more using the OO API. Rather, create a Figure as before and in place of:
f = Figure(figsize=(5,4), dpi=100) a = Subplot(f, 111) f.add_axis(a)use:
f = Figure(figsize=(5,4), dpi=100) a = f.add_subplot(111)That is, add_axis no longer exists and is replaced by:
add_axes(rect, axisbg=defaultcolor, frameon=True) add_subplot(num, axisbg=defaultcolor, frameon=True)
If you define your own Artists, you need to rename the _draw method to draw
matplotlib.transforms.Bound2D is replaced by matplotlib.transforms.Bbox. If you want to construct a bbox from left, bottom, width, height (the signature for Bound2D), use matplotlib.transforms.lbwh_to_bbox, as in
bbox = clickBBox = lbwh_to_bbox(left, bottom, width, height)The Bbox has a different API than the Bound2D. e.g., if you want to get the width and height of the bbox
- OLD::
- width = fig.bbox.x.interval() height = fig.bbox.y.interval()
- New::
- width = fig.bbox.width() height = fig.bbox.height()
You no longer pass the bbox, dpi, or transforms to the various Artist constructors. The old way or creating lines and rectangles was cumbersome because you had to pass so many attributes to the Line2D and Rectangle classes not related directly to the geometry and properties of the object. Now default values are added to the object when you call axes.add_line or axes.add_patch, so they are hidden from the user.
If you want to define a custom transformation on these objects, call o.set_transform(trans) where trans is a Transformation instance.
In prior versions of you wanted to add a custom line in data coords, you would have to do
- l = Line2D(dpi, bbox, x, y,
- color = color, transx = transx, transy = transy, )
now all you need is
l = Line2D(x, y, color=color)and the axes will set the transformation for you (unless you have set your own already, in which case it will eave it unchanged)
The entire transformation architecture has been rewritten. Previously the x and y transformations where stored in the xaxis and yaxis instances. The problem with this approach is it only allows for separable transforms (where the x and y transformations don’t depend on one another). But for cases like polar, they do. Now transformations operate on x,y together. There is a new base class matplotlib.transforms.Transformation and two concrete implementations, matplotlib.transforms.SeparableTransformation and matplotlib.transforms.Affine. The SeparableTransformation is constructed with the bounding box of the input (this determines the rectangular coordinate system of the input, ie the x and y view limits), the bounding box of the display, and possibly nonlinear transformations of x and y. The 2 most frequently used transformations, data coordinates -> display and axes coordinates -> display are available as ax.transData and ax.transAxes. See which uses axes coords.
Also, the transformations should be much faster now, for two reasons
they are written entirely in extension code
because they operate on x and y together, they can do the entire transformation in one loop. Earlier I did something along the lines of:
xt = sx*func(x) + tx yt = sy*func(y) + tyAlthough this was done in numerix, it still involves 6 length(x) for-loops (the multiply, add, and function evaluation each for x and y). Now all of that is done in a single pass.
If you are using transformations and bounding boxes to get the cursor position in data coordinates, the method calls are a little different now. See the updated examples/ which shows you how to do this.
Likewise, if you are using the artist bounding boxes to pick items on the canvas with the GUI, the bbox methods are somewhat different. You will need to see the updated examples/
See unit/ for many examples using the new transformations.
* refactored Figure class so it is no longer backend dependent.
FigureCanvasBackend takes over the backend specific duties of the
Figure. matplotlib.backend_bases.FigureBase moved to
* backends must implement FigureCanvasBackend (the thing that
controls the figure and handles the events if any) and
FigureManagerBackend (wraps the canvas and the window for MATLAB
interface). FigureCanvasBase implements a backend switching
* Figure is now an Artist (like everything else in the figure) and
is totally backend independent
* backend faceColor argument changed to rgbFace
* colormap stuff moved to
* arg_to_rgb in backend_bases moved to class ColorConverter in
* GD users must upgrade to gd-2.0.22 and gdmodule-0.52 since new gd
features (clipping, antialiased lines) are now used.
* Renderer must implement points_to_pixels
Migrating code:
MATLAB interface:
The only API change for those using the MATLAB interface is in how
you call figure redraws for dynamically updating figures. In the
old API, you did
In the new API, you do
manager = get_current_fig_manager()
See the examples,, and
There is one important API change for application developers.
Figure instances used subclass GUI widgets that enabled them to be
placed directly into figures. e.g., FigureGTK subclassed
gtk.DrawingArea. Now the Figure class is independent of the
backend, and FigureCanvas takes over the functionality formerly
handled by Figure. In order to include figures into your apps,
you now need to do, for example
# gtk example
fig = Figure(figsize=(5,4), dpi=100)
canvas = FigureCanvasGTK(fig) # a gtk.DrawingArea
If you use the NavigationToolbar, this in now intialized with a
FigureCanvas, not a Figure. The examples,, and all reflect the new
API so use these as a guide.
All prior calls to
figure.draw() and
should now be
canvas.draw() and
Apologies for the inconvenience. This refactorization brings
significant more freedom in developing matplotlib and should bring
better plotting capabilities, so I hope the inconvenience is worth
* Refactoring AxisText to be backend independent. Text drawing and
get_window_extent functionality will be moved to the Renderer.
* backend_bases.AxisTextBase is now text.Text module
* All the erase and reset functionality removed from AxisText - not
needed with double buffered drawing. Ditto with state change.
Text instances have a get_prop_tup method that returns a hashable
tuple of text properties which you can use to see if text props
have changed, eg by caching a font or layout instance in a dict
with the prop tup as a key -- see RendererGTK.get_pango_layout in
backend_gtk for an example.
* Text._get_xy_display renamed Text.get_xy_display
* Artist set_renderer and wash_brushes methods removed
* Moved Legend class from matplotlib.axes into matplotlib.legend
* Moved Tick, XTick, YTick, Axis, XAxis, YAxis from matplotlib.axes
to matplotlib.axis
* moved process_text_args to matplotlib.text
* After getting Text handled in a backend independent fashion, the
import process is much cleaner since there are no longer cyclic
* matplotlib.matlab._get_current_fig_manager renamed to
matplotlib.matlab.get_current_fig_manager to allow user access to
the GUI window attribute, eg figManager.window for GTK and
figManager.frame for wx
- Artist
* __init__ takes a DPI instance and a Bound2D instance which is
the bounding box of the artist in display coords
* get_window_extent returns a Bound2D instance
* set_size is removed; replaced by bbox and dpi
* the clip_gc method is removed. Artists now clip themselves with
their box
* added _clipOn boolean attribute. If True, gc clip to bbox.
- AxisTextBase
* Initialized with a transx, transy which are Transform instances
* set_drawing_area removed
* get_left_right and get_top_bottom are replaced by get_window_extent
- Line2D Patches now take transx, transy
* Initialized with a transx, transy which are Transform instances
- Patches
* Initialized with a transx, transy which are Transform instances
- FigureBase attributes dpi is a DPI intance rather than scalar and
new attribute bbox is a Bound2D in display coords, and I got rid
of the left, width, height, etc... attributes. These are now
accessible as, for example, bbox.x.min is left, bbox.x.interval()
is width, bbox.y.max is top, etc...
- GcfBase attribute pagesize renamed to figsize
- Axes
* removed figbg attribute
* added fig instance to __init__
* resizing is handled by figure call to resize.
- Subplot
* added fig instance to __init__
- Renderer methods for patches now take gcEdge and gcFace instances.
gcFace=None takes the place of filled=False
- True and False symbols provided by cbook in a python2.3 compatible
- new module transforms supplies Bound1D, Bound2D and Transform
instances and more
- Changes to the MATLAB helpers API
* _matlab_helpers.GcfBase is renamed by Gcf. Backends no longer
need to derive from this class. Instead, they provide a factory
function new_figure_manager(num, figsize, dpi). The destroy
method of the GcfDerived from the backends is moved to the derived
* FigureManagerBase moved to backend_bases
* Gcf.get_all_figwins renamed to Gcf.get_all_fig_managers
Make sure to self._reset = False in AxisTextWX._set_font. This was
something missing in my backend code.