Select Range
Selects an absolute character range in the editor
The Range parameter is given as two numbers in the form from:to (note the colon between the values). The first character in the document has the index zero. As an example, 0:3 would select the first 3 characters. Optionally, the range can be interpreted relative to the currently selected range.
Negative values can be used to “anchor” the selection at the end of the document/selection (e.g. to select the last x characters, regardless of how long the document is).
One of the values can be left empty to extend the selection to the start/end of the document (the colon still has to be included though).
- 0:3 – Select the first three characters
- :3 – Same as above (if the from component is zero, it can be left out)
- 3: – Select everything except for the first three characters (starting from the fourth)
- -10: – Select the last 10 characters
- 10:-10 – Select everything except for the first ten and the last ten characters (note that the to component is negative)
- Input: Can be used as a variable in the Range parameter
- Output: The text in the selected range
- Range (from:to): The range to select, see above for examples
- Relative to: How to interpret the given range. Current Selection means that the first character in the current selection has an index of zero, regardless of where it appears in the entire document.