pyminizip — Create password-protected Zip files

The pyminizip module provides simple support for creating password-protected Zip archives. For other things you might want to do with Zip files (e.g. extraction), you can use the zipfile module from the standard library.


pyminizip.compress(src_file, dest_file, password, level)

Create a password-protected zip archive from a single file. The level parameter determines the compression level, 0 is the default, other possible values are 1 (fastest) to 9 (most compression).

pyminizip.compress_multiple(src_files, dest_file, password, level[, progress])

Create a password-protected zip archive from a list of file paths. The level parameter determines the compression level, 0 is the default, other possible values are 1 (fastest) to 9 (most compression).

The optional progress parameter is a callback function with one argument that will be called during compression with the number of files that have been compressed so far.