Welcome! This is the documentation for Pythonista. It is based on the official Python 3.6.1 documentation and includes information about additional modules that were developed specifically for Pythonista.
If you have questions, feedback, or just want to share things you've made with Pythonista, please visit the community forum, send an email to pythonista@omz-software.com, or find me on Twitter: @olemoritz.
Using Pythonista
An overview of Pythonista's UI, including some tips and tricks
App Extensions and Shortcuts
Extending and automating iOS with Pythonista scripts
What's New in Pythonista
Detailed release notes
Pythonista Modules
Additional modules developed specifically for iOS
Language Tutorial
The official Python language tutorial
Library Reference
Keep this under your pillow
Language Reference
Describes syntax and language elements
Global Module Index
Quick access to all modules
General Index
All functions, classes, terms
The most important terms explained
NumPy User Guide
NumPy is the fundamental package for scientific computing with Python.
NumPy Reference
Reference documentation for NumPy
matplotlib Documentation
matplotlib is a python 2D plotting library.
SymPy Documentation
SymPy is a Python library for symbolic mathematics.